Thursday 13 June 2013

Staying fit and losing fat is possible without exercise or a treadmill

As much as some people love their curves, there are others who want to lose just a little or shed some pounds in some particular areas...stomach, arms, legs, thighs maybe... without looking bulky.

this is how to do it without exercise.

Cut those carbonated/caloric drinks from daily diet; I'm not asking you to give up the world. if you really want a slimmer physique, you have to cut back on those carbonated drinks i.e coke, fanta, lacasera, maltina and other processed drinks. if you get tired of just water, add some lime to it or just blend your favorite fruits together and refrigerate.

Be active; rather than sitting around waiting for some intervention in your life, take your weight loss into your hands. Dance and play often, walk around while receiving a phone call, keep tapping your feet as you sit, match in a spot while you're waiting for whatever your waiting for (you might look like an idiot but the results will be worth it lol), fill a water bottle and lift it every now and then... it all counts.

Take a walk; if you drive your car everyday to your office and straight to your living room, stop it.... walk for at least 20 minutes everyday. oh! I said at least, walk further if you can. Ride a bicycle if you cant walk.

Never skip a meal; I always replace a meal(dinner) with fruits, don't skip a meal because you want to lose weight, you'll just create more problems for yourself like exhaustion, overfeeding, ulcer among others. If your breakfast has high amounts of oil, switch to olive or soy oil and take your cereal with skimmed milk. You can replace your meat and chicken with fish for lunch and make your dinner the lightest way possible.

Replace those snacks and chips by keeping lots of fruits around to snack on

Keep records; measure yourself from the start, write down what you ate and drank and begin to reduce your portions.

Love yourself, stay positive and keep reading my blog. It is not rocket science, you too can look amazing.

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