Wednesday 19 June 2013

Quick and Easy Home Workouts

The quickest and easiest home workouts don't require much but helps you loose more. Have some friends meet you at your back-yard at least twice a week to sweat easy... this will help strengthen your bond. The motto is: the friendship that sheds together, stays together.. right?

Getting started; every workout should start with some warm-ups. You can jog in a place if you don't have much room to jog around, stretch your arms and legs and twist from side to side.

Now try Jumping Jacks; you can loose up to 90 calories in 10 minutes by doing this alone... isn't that awesome?! Start by standing straight with
your hands on your sides, jump as you sweep your hands up in the air and legs apart. Do these 30 times.

Lunges; help to achieve firmer thighs and butts so for that really uptight behind, come into a squat position with one leg in front and the other at the back creating an L shape each time you  go down low, then alternate those legs. dont stop till you have done 30 reps... do it... that's the spirit!

Knee Ups
Step Ups

Knee Ups; here, you are matching in a spot, so lift your legs up and down alternating continuously. Warning: this can make your thighs appear bulky so go easy on this.

Step Ups; are similar to Knee Ups but you are actually stepping on to something. A step forward and back alternating those legs

Plie Squats; assume squat position with your legs wide open, squat and jump... squat and jump..
Plie Squats
Jump Rope; you can also workout with or without the actual jump rope. This will definitely get your heart pounding

Butt Kickers; here you're literally kicking your butt. Instead of just running, manipulate your legs further to kick your butt. This will help your behind look perkier.

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